If you are already done with the first book, you’re welcome.
If you haven’t, A Court of Mist and Fury book is going to make the whole series seem really boring.
There is so much that happens in one book that it is almost impossible to comprehend all of it in a single review. The first book, A Court of Thorns and Roses, was intense and had amazing world-building.

Now, we know all about Courts like Spring Court, Night Court, and so many others. We are slowly being introduced to new terms and becoming familiar with them, and honestly, I loved the writing style.
I cannot say the same about the vibe, though.
It’s normal to act like this if you ask me. Feyre had just transitioned into a high fae, and she was literally dead a few chapters ago.
Tamlin is shit scared of this, and he keeps Feyre under strict supervision. What I’m about to predict is that we might see Feyre and Tamlin’s downfall because who likes to be caged that way? And the blurb gave me weird vibes, too. No wonder A Court of Mist and Fury book has mixed reviews.
The fans didn’t get what they wanted. Let’s explore this prediction and A Court of Mist and Fury synopsis more.
A Court of Mist and Fury Summary: I’m Invested in This Drama
I feel sad for Feyre for the first time in a while. I have mixed opinions of what they call ‘love’ between Tamlin and Feyre.

Honestly, in other A Court of Mist and Fury reviews, it seems obsessive overprotectiveness to me, but again, I understand Tamlin’s reasons. I would’ve done everything that was in my power to protect my loved ones given a second chance. Tamlin, you’re a good guy. I see you.
I CANNOT Defend Tamlin’s Actions Anymore
As far as the story goes, Sarah J. Maas is still building the world and letting us know what the vibe is in Spring Court, which does not seem good. Feyre was dead-dead in the last book, and all the Gods gave some of their magic or parts; I’m not sure of what it was — to restore her life, but not as someone mortal but as a high fae. Yep, Feyre’s a high fae now.
Tamlin killed that evil lady who ruled the Spring Court, destroyed everything for God’s sake, and finally rescued Feyre. You’d think, aw, that’s sweet, that’s our happily ever after, right?
No, Feyre is feeling trapped. Tamlin is out there helping the people of the town with Lucien, and Feyre wants to help. Tamlin clearly said no and wanted her to stay home because he was so scared for her safety.
Tamlin even assigned bodyguards to accompany her inside their own home.
Unfortunately, she does not have anyone to talk to her, and she is slowly going crazy because she is not interacting with the outside world. It almost seems like Tamlin has snatched away her freedom. You’re supposed to hate Tamlin at this point.
Until you realize — Tamlin saw Feyre’s neck break and twisted and killed with his own eyes.
His love was killed in front of him.
Okay, Tamlin, I’m literally losing my breath defending you. Please cooperate. Here, the story has already got a place, but if you are really excited to know the ending don’t miss the chance to read A Court of Silver Flames summary or synopsis.
We Have a Wedding Coming Up!
Things only get interesting after this part. Remember how Tamlin proposed to Feyra under the mountains and promised to marry her? Yes! They are getting married, and Ianthe is helping her plan everything out.
Ianthe is a whole lotta discussion. We gotta keep that one aside.
Long story short— the day is finally here, and Feyre is walking down the aisle with an ugly-ass wedding dress that even Tamlin didn’t like. She walks, everything’s great, there are white roses everywhere…
… and there are red roses.
Feyre has a whole trauma with the color Red. She has a panic attack when she sees those colors repeatedly. Tamlin took one step towards her, and she took one back, which shocked everybody, but she didn’t care because she was having the biggest panic attack of her life.
Then, who comes to her rescue? Lord Rhysand. Feminist King Rhysand. Because of their ‘bond,’ he knew Feyre was in trouble. I find it so funny how we, as a fandom, just decided that this would be his name just because he shows the bare minimum respect to women.
He comes and rescues (kidnaps) her and takes her to the night court. Feyre is weirdly relieved at this but then again screams at Rhysand. I honestly don’t get her.
After a lot of screaming, fighting, and flirting later, he returns Feyre to the Spring Court. This part is confusing because I thought Rhysand would be the evil one.
As the story progresses, we get to see that Tamlin is weirdly possessive, and it’s becoming suffocated even to read. So naturally, Feyre doesn’t want to stay there anymore… and that’s part 2 of Rhysand kidnapping her forever.
Kidding. She left Tamlin a letter that she left at will. That guy would otherwise launch a war.
Rhysand is Just One Thought Away
We’re at Night Court, and there’s no limit to this annoying flirting. Oh my god. Feyre is finally feeling emotions and being open to know her more.
Ever since she has been transformed into a high fae, she does not know what her powers are exactly because she hasn’t been trained for it (Tamlin didn’t let her). But Rhysand and Cassian are so in for this that they start training her the moment she sets foot on the Night Court.
Also, who started the rumor that the night court was shallow and scary? Girl, you might’ve lost your senses.
Feyre started practicing reading and mind shielding from Rhysand, and she’s ready to go on adventures. Rhysand, obviously, thinks one step ahead and proposes to her to work with the team so that he can really tell her what’s going on.
Even though Feyre says no a couple of times, they have gone on adventures together. When Feyre met the whole team, she felt like they were the person she needed to be with to reach her full potential.
And she said yes.
I loved some of the adventure parts, especially with the rescue of Rhysand’s mom’s ring. Feyre was amazing in that. I have to appreciate Rhysand’s quick wit, though; he’s growing on me.
We Got Our First Clue to get the Book
Since Feyre has agreed to work with the team, she now has a new assignment: to write a letter to the Queen of Mortals to get the book that has the instructions to control the cauldron.
And to find a familiar spot for the Queens and the Nightcore to meet and explain the war situation. The common spots? Feyre’s mortal home.
Ugh, that’s a long story, but we got the permission. I gotta say Nesta’s one stubborn girl.
And Here’s the Second Part
They visit the summer court of one part of the book, and here we have our main attraction of the scene – Tarquin. Tarquin is just hot, even when Rhysand is in the picture.
I can confirm this by Feyre’s reaction and how she was quickly amused and convinced by him. The plan was to befriend Tarquin in a way so that Feyre would be able to get all the information from him and get part of the book from his court.
Tarquin and Feyre had terrific chemistry, and they were besties even before anyone could notice. At one point, they got super close to the point Feyre said to him something like–
You’re easy to love.
Girl really got swept by those turquoise eyes.
It wasn’t easy to convince him, though. So Feyre has been practicing, and she got into Tarquin’s mind this time and saw he was having a hell of a lot of trouble just comprehending why they were there.
Thankfully, Feyra got inside his mind and cast some manipulative spells or something that convinced him — no, they were here for good reasons, and they were able to do anything they wanted. And that worked.
The next thing you know, they managed to get the book, and Feyre and Amren are underwater – on the verge of dying.
They were luckily saved by that one peasant (Sea-fae or something sort of that) in the Spring Court, whom Feyre helped with her jewels, and Rhysand won them in the Night Court.
Feyre didn’t die for God knows how many times in This Book
After fooling around, they finally get a response from the Mortal Queens, and they meet at the house. The meeting was chaotic, with a long-ass monologue of each character. Still, the gist was – The Queens are real bitches, and they won’t be convinced unless you show them that you are really worthy of such possession.
Rhysand, obviously, thinks of something weird to prove later on, and it’s the last thing to come to your mind.
It’s Velaris. Yes, the protected City. But don’t worry, he’s not gonna show them the actual city –only a glimpse of it through a magical crystal ball. Hmph, but where’s that thing?
Tada…! In the Court of Nightmares!
Literal nightmares, by the look on Mor’s face. And we get why the scenes inside the court were painful to read. Still, we at least got the ball after some unnecessary sensual drama between Feyre and Rhysand. They can’t get a break, can they?
They had pretty good argument scenes that I deliberately skipped because I want you to read them to get the whole message (it doesn’t add anything to the plot, really).
Anyway, after we got the first part of the book, everyone figured it was written in an ancient language. Hence, we had only one person to do that for us, Amren!
Yep, Amren was ready for this, and she hasn’t left her home ever since to decode it.
I’m surprised at the Queen’s Plot Twist
There have been tremendous micro-scenes in between. Still, I’m only mentioning the scenes that I think are worth discussing, so maybe it’s not an ideal ACOMAF summary but the one that saves you on the night before the exam.
Or… maybe… just a brief of A Court of Mist and Fury summary. I have to talk about the part where they meet the Queens for the second time to give them proof or something, and they show them Velaris, and they are still not convinced.

Girl, what was that about?
I was honestly so pissed until I thankfully read the young Queen’s letter. Queen stole the book and brought it to them without anyone’s knowledge.
So, one of them is not that bad at all.
Soon, Velaris was under attack. The city that had not been attacked for several thousand years was under attack, and Rhysand didn’t even have the time to blame it on himself. He rushed to the scene. And who’s the first martyr in this war? Our Young Queen. That was truly sad.
Nevermind, Azriel and Cassian tried to cool everything down, but nothing was big for our girl Feyre. She singlehandedly takes care of everything, and boom, everything is sorted.
Except Feyre got to know from Suriel that she was Rhysand’s mate.
You’re not Gonna Believe this Mate Thing …
Excuse me, WHAT?
Yes, Rhysand is Feyre’s mate, NOT Tamlin. It’s heartbreaking for some of us, but it’s true, and the bond just proves it. But Feyre does not have this shit; she’s mad as hell for Rhysand not telling her this. Now Rhysand is sick because of the poisonous arrow, but she makes sure he knows she’s mad-mad at him.
I loved the soup method, though. It’s an old mate thing. It’s like you will cook soup for your mate, and if he drinks it, that means he accepts your love.
So, when Rhysand visits Feyre, she makes him soup, and Rhysand is in a choke-hold.
His feelings are on fire – we will know this because there are at least 12 pages of him describing how much, why, when, and how he loved Feyre from day one (day negative, actually), and Feyre was sobbing. Phew, we might have just scored our new favorite couple.
That doesn’t end there; we still have Hybern’s place to visit, and this mission will be without Rhysand. Don’t get it started on how they convinced Rhysand to let them go with his mate, and without him, that’s a whole new boring-tiring story.
They reach the place, but Jurian is there (surprise!). Rhysand, of course, can’t calm his ass down, so he comes anyway, disrespecting everyone’s decision, and falls into the trap of Hybern luring everyone into one place.
Also, we have Tamlin and Lucien here. Haha.
Explaining A Court of Mist and Fury Ending
This part’s a bit foggy, but here’s the A Court of Mist and Fury chapter summary — I had a bittersweet memory with this one. The first was the Cauldron; we finally know what it is, and Amren helps with it with the book.

Second, Tamlin is again starting with his maniac behavior. Third, Hybern is ready to kill everybody, and they are powerless here with poison controlled by Hybern on Rhysand’s body.
They wouldn’t believe that the Cauldron would actually work, so they decided to experiment with Feyre’s two closest people, Elain and Nesta and turned them into High Fae against their will. Cassian and Azriel were attacked brutally in this process.
Feyre was watching all these in extreme guilt and silence and blamed herself for all of this when finally she thought to give Tamlin what he wanted.
All this time, Tamlin thought Rhysand was mind-controlling her or something because there was no way Feyre would willing to leave spring court for night court.
Sometime between all the chaos, Feyre snapped and said something like where am I? What did you do to my mind? Where is Tamlin? Tamlin, take me home! Most importantly – It breaks the bond between her and Rhysand.
Nice trick, Feyre. Rhysand quickly picks up on it and plays along. Soon enough, Rhysand and the inner circle winnowed with the book between the chaos. Tamlin and Lucien left with Feyre later after that.
Feyre was obviously pretending and is now acting as a spy for Rhysand because, you know, breaking the bond is impossible. That spell or that ritual never existed.
Are A Court of Mist and Fury Characters Finally Growing on Me?
I hate to break it to the Tamlin fangirls, but your boy is nuts in this book. I tried to justify him at every chance I got, but he kept making it worse with his inability to keep his promises.
I found his behavior borderline obsessive with Feyre to the point he didn’t count abuse as abuse. It indeed isn’t the same Tamlin that we fell in love with. I’m just gonna say to Sarah if something like a therapist exists in their world, Tamlin should run to that.
I don’t have much to say about Feyre, but she exceeded my expectations this time. She’s now super-super-powerful, and I’m glad she’s learning to control it. This was the time for self-respect and feminism to kick in, and it did.
Rhysand was, um, kinda annoyingly attractive in this one. My jaw dropped with his lore involving Tamlin, and that explains their chemistry and dynamics.
Rhysand is just one big manchild who’s also very responsible and funny, somehow. I think he healed all of us in the process. I like now that I know he didn’t steal anyone’s bride. It was his mate all along.
Nesta and Cassian, Elain and Azriel – these are my suspicions. I’m sure something’s cooking between these pairs. I feel sorry for Nesta and Elain to have themselves turned into weird creatures against their will, but look at the bright side – they are immortal now. Happy-happy.
Amarantha and Ithan have something in common that I cannot point out. Probably the harassment part? Probably. Both are equally annoying and should receive free kicks even at the sight of them.
Amarantha is gone, so I’m waiting for Ianthe to have a brutal death in the next. I’m evil, let’s see.
How Was A Court of Mist and Fury Book?

It’s a whole rollercoaster. There is way too much happening in A Court of Mist and Fury book. You will not see the characters entering and exiting as the same person again (Yes, I’m still sad about Tamlin).
I loved this book regardless; I wish Sarah J. Maas emphasized less on useless details. Otherwise, it’s a good edition, but I hope to see better detail-oriented books next time.
And before you start the next one (I’ve published my heavily opinionated thoughts on ACOWAR), this piece could be the best A Court of Mist and Fury summary.
I’ve enjoyed my winter holidays, all thanks to Feyre and her unlimited dramas.