So, Sarah J. Maas just announced The Crescent City book 3, and I’ll just say this: people need to stop addressing the whole journey as a ‘trilogy’.
I’ll explain why.

Before I begin, pardon the disappointment in my writing; I did not expect her to release House of Flame and Shadow; I prayed with my soul out for House of Many Waters. We didn’t get enough of Tharion.
Sarah J. Maas has this pattern that she loves to follow – always going after what the mythology says. As history or Greek mythology says, the four elements of life are fire, air, water, and earth.
We got the House of Earth and Blood and, later on, the House of Sky and Breath. The theory says we will see a house related to fire or Water or Flame in the next release.
We are now at the 3/4th part (I’m predicting) of the series – Welcome to the article where we predict what’s gonna happen in House of Flame and Shadow.
Naturally, I’ll pop the easter eggs and be delusional as much as I want. At the same time, you put up with it for the rest of my predictions (read allegations).
I did find relations between ACOTAR and TOR that way, and I’m almost certain there’s gonna be a fourth one (or maybe a fifth one?). Please, my mentee, do not denigrate my wisdom; don’t call this the last one of the ‘trilogy.’
I don’t know if things will exactly be the same as my predictions. I must say, “Warning! Potential House of Flame and Shadow Spoilers ahead!”
What Happened in the Previous Books?
This goes without saying. Some of us have already forgotten what has happened in the previous books. I’m recapping both books with little points to remember for the third one to predict.
Recap: House of Earth and Blood
By far, it’s the best one out of SJM. My first ever Sarah J. Maas book got that got me hooked for another eighteen – Okay, I’ll stop. Please read my take on the House of Earth and Blood if you haven’t already.

We have our protagonist, Bryce Quinlan, living her best life, partying away with her best friend Danika, who will also be the prime of the werewolves and has crazy powers.
One night, Bryce comes home partying to discover Danika and her werewolf friends have been murdered brutally.
Despite all that, Bryce is now assigned to find Danika’s murderer and Luna’s horn. Hunt Athalar, a fallen angel, comes to the rescue to protect her from future troubles, and they fall in love along the way.
They both navigate and unravel secrets about Danika, Asteri, demons, and mostly… about themselves.
You must remember House of Earth and Blood mainly deals with shifters, humans, fae, witches, and animals. Basically, to recap in a nutshell, the main characters are:
Bryce Quinlan: The rebellious daughter of the Autumn king, half-human and half-fae.
Danika Fendyr: The powerful female lead, a vicious werewolf, dies in the first book.
Hunt Athalar: A fallen angel, Bryce’s love interest and her no.1 protector.
Ruhn Danaan: Hottest of them all, half-brother to Ruhn, shapeshifter, and the chosen one.
Micah Domitus: Sorcerer and Bryce’s ex-boyfriend.
If I make it quick:
- No one killed Danika.
- Danika was addicted to Synth.
- Tharion was engaged to The River Queen’s daughter.
- Bryce and Hunt are in a committed relationship.
- Ruhn is actually loyal to Bryce.
- Luna’s horn is destroyed, powered, and tattooed into Bryce’s skin by Danika.
- Micah did not get his revenge yet.
- Danika has never-ending secrets.
Check out this site if you want to remember everything from scratch. OR… feel free to read our character analysis and House of Earth and Blood summary. You’re welcome.
Recap: House of Sky and Breath
Yeah, I just finished it, but a mortal brain has its limits, which is why this is a thing.

This one could be a bit complicated, and I’m not including any main characters since I don’t believe this one has a main character at all. Everyone was given decent importance, or no one was that charming at all, except for Cormac, of course.
We see a new character – apparently a thunderbird rescuing a child with Agent Silverbow, and they end up rescuing most of the children from there.
From there, Sophie is stuck in the sea, attacked by the opposition, and makes sure to plot a perfect plan to rescue her brother and put him into a safe shelter.
The plan succeeds when this reaches Bryce (now known as the Starborn) and her team to rescue a rarebred thunderbird. After much struggle and a clash of plots, they finally become the heroes of their dreams.
Until they receive the devastating news, all these seem pointless. They later save the city after Micah messes up with the gates.
House of Sky and Breath Summary – A quick read…
- Sophie has no character development and she literally dies, just like that.
- Her brother is not a thunderbird, she lied to protect him. He was later adopted by Bryce’s parents.
- Cormac is actually Agent Silverbow. I know.
- Tharion is a slave to Viper Queen now.
- Hunt and Bryce are pretty boring now, no physical contact until winter solstice.
- Ruhn is on his way to breaking his heart because Agent Daybright is a rebel spy – also known as the Hind.
- Bryce tries to use Luna’s horn to travel to Hel to ask for their help but she reaches Prythian somehow.
- Bryce is now gone transporting herself to Prythian, in the night court and Hunt was enslaved.
- Oh, Danika and her never-ending secrets. She’s a bloodhound.
And that’s pretty much all you need to know before you can form an opinion on my predictions.
Time for House of Flame and Shadow Predictions: Let’s Dive into Spoiler Territory
I know everyone is, but I am particularly excited about the last chapter of the House of Sky and Breath. Do y’all remember when I freaked out that Ruhn could be betraying Bryce?
The last part of the book showed that Bryce teleported to Prythian instead of Hel and got the biggest surprise of her life … she saw Ruhn there.
And the story ends just like that.
I have been thinking about this a lot, and we all know Rhysand from ACOTAR is in the night court and has similar characteristics to Ruhn. But that’s just an assumption, right?
No. I did my research and did a background check on Ruhn and Rhysand. Turns out Ruhn is Helena’s descendent, and Rhysand is the descendant of Helena’s younger sister.
They are in the same family tree. To the point, they have almost similar personalities, similar facial features, and even similar names that even Ruhn’s biological sister mistook Rhysand as him and just dropped the biggest cliffhanger in history.
Another point to be noted, Bryce was there with her Starsword – a sister sword to Azreil’s dagger. I might be wrong, but these swords are supposed to be a pair.
Both of them were Prythian’s property until Theia took it to Midgard and told that a knife was to be paired with it. Also, from the fae prophecy – ‘When knife and sword are reunited, so shall our people be’. It can’t be a coincidence altogether.
Are we possibly getting an ACOTAR and The Crescent City crossover?
Umm, I have noticed that we didn’t actually know if Azreil’s knife actually glowed in dark light or not. If it does in response to the Starsword’s white light, the prophecy will become a reality.
If not any of those (which I highly doubt), it could be similar to Nesta’s sword, Ataraxia. The one to kill the unkillable. We are definitely going down to explore this sword relationship in the third book, and again… we might get the crossover that we have been waiting for – ACOTAR and The Crescent City Order.
SJM recently said in an interview that Bryce might not be the protagonist of this new book. Thank you, SJM, for being honest.
Look, this is not something we see for the first time. Book no.1 was wholly about Bryce exploring and avenging her best friend’s death. Basically, we only saw Bryce doing things she could have done better.
The second book had a lot of quests, side quests, non-important quests, and hilarious banter between the characters to the point Bryce is not that important anymore – up until the ending stirred up interesting controversies.
Do you see a pattern here? Bryce is already cornered. The book is about flames and shadow, so if we calculate logically, she is not supposed to be as relevant as she was in the first book because, obviously, she is not one of the flames and shadow.
Oh, also, Asteris are so screwed. We know y’all aren’t Gods but just sad, sad angels who are fed off the first light from the people of Midgard.
Fans have been observing a little too much connection between this and the Roses Book Series, and now that Bryce is in a whole new world of magic, she would need help. But if you ask me, I can’t help but notice winter solstice is mentioned way too much.
Seems like an obvious easter egg – you might be getting a bit of Aelin too.
I won’t be surprised if that happens, though. Aelin can easily make the drop to transport to another world while they prepare for the next battle to get out of Prythian.
This plot might go in two ways – Bryce escapes the world and returns to Midgard, involving Hunt somehow, or Bryce is still stuck in that world. We will know about the rescue in the fourth book, where Tharion might have to do something with it.
Either way, you are absolutely experiencing the best crossover between the three worlds.
Final Thoughts
May the Lord be kind, and may we see the biggest crossover of Maasverse.
I don’t think that day’s way too far away. Rhysand is already here. We are definitely getting ACOTAR in this one. I hope the Aelin prediction is not too far-fetched, and we can see some Bryce and Aelin moments.
Can’t wait to see what the future holds for Bryce and the people of Midgard.
Welcome to the family once again. I’m counting down the days to discuss, laugh, and cry with you together on 30 January 2024!